
Marie Amédro is a self-taught abstract artist, born in 1989, who lives and works in the Lille countryside, France. Creative since childhood but undecided on the professional path that would suit her best, she studies art design, computer graphics, communication and marketing. After working in different professions, in 2019 she decided to return to her first love, painting. A full-time artist for 5 years now, she creates minimalist and geometric works in which flat areas of color subtly rub shoulders with the relief of the material.

Marie offers a discourse made up of shapes, colors and materials which respond to each other according to a well-established geometric principle.  Inspired by nature, her environment or simply influenced by the present moment, she creates abstract shapes with acrylic paint to which she gives volume by exploring different ways such as collage, sand or sewn thread.

Her series of works on paper entitled “Formes Connexes” has become a staple of her work. On textured rag paper, she intuitively paints simple and colorful shapes on which she superimposes a sewn square to energize the composition.

In her creations on canvas, which are much more constructed in advance, she focuses her attention on the play of contrasts between lines and flat areas, but also in the subtle echo that occurs between fullness and emptiness.